Enquiry 2024
Registration Form 2024
Admission Enquiry

Programs Offered (Law)




Vinayaka Mission's Law School (VMLS) is the latest initiative of VMRF-DU at its Chennai campus to impart legal education and legal skills relevant to the evolving needs of the local, national and global community. VMLS has been established with the combined efforts of eminent members of the bar, bench, and legal academia. VMLS diligently aims to adopt innovative and inclusive methods to improve the quality of legal education, making it a vibrant academic community. The Institution focuses on intellectual and the personal development of students by creating real-world learning experiences, encouraging new ideas, designing pedagogical strategies and integrating technology.

BA., LL.B (Hons), BBA.,LL.B (Hons) & B.Com., LL.B (Hons) (5 Years) Programmes :


    A pass in 10+2/ Intermediate or equivalent examination.
    (Not less than 45% marks for General Category, 42% for OBC and 40% for SC/ST.)


    Admissions will be made for Law programs, based on marks obtained in the VMRF Law admission Test (VLAT), conducted by the Admission Monitoring Committee (AMC) of VMRF-DU and the eligibility criteria prescribed by the Bar Council of India (BCI), New Delhi and VMRF- DU rules & regulations from time to time. The candidates with valid scores in CUET – UG, CLAT & LSAT are also considered for admissions. VLAT is mandatory for the admission.

LL.B (Hons), (3 Years) Programme:


    A Pass in any Bachelor's degree from a recognized University or an Equivalent Institution recognized as deemed to be University or from a foreign University declared as equivalent to an Indian degree by a competent.
    (Not less than 45% marks for General Category, 42% for OBC and 40% for SC/ST)


    Admissions will be made for Law programs, based on marks obtained in the VMRF Law admission Test (VLAT), conducted by the Admission Monitoring Committee (AMC) of VMRF-DU and the eligibility criteria prescribed by the Bar Council of India (BCI), New Delhi and VMRF- DU rules & regulations from time to time. The candidates with valid scores in CUET – PG, CLAT & LSAT are also considered for admissions. VLAT is mandatory for the admission.

LL.M (Corporate and Financial Law) - 1 year

LL.M (Commercial Dispute Resolution) - 1 year


    A pass in any undergraduate Law programme.


    Admissions made for the above PG LL.M Programmes on the basis of marks obtained in the VLAT and merit based counselling will be conducted by the VMRF (DU) and the eligibility criteria prescribed by the VMRF (DU) Rules & Regulations from time to time

    The University may also consider for admission of the above programmes for LL.M. Common Admission Test conducted by any agency or consortium as per the UGC norms.

Vinayaka Mission's Law School (VMLS)

Name of the Course Intake Tuition Fee in Rs.
(Per Annum) (2024 - 2025)
Application Fee
UG Programmes
BA., LL.B (Hons.) 120 2,00,000/- 1,000/-
BBA., LL.B (Hons.) 120 2,00,000/-
B.Com., LL.B (Hons.) 120 2,00,000/-
LL.B (Hons.) 120 2,00,000/-
PG Programmes
LL.M (Corporate and Financial Law) 30 2,50,000/- 1,000/-
LL.M (Commercial Dispute Resolution) 30 2,50,000/- 1,000/-

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CUET 2024