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Dr.Sangeetha, Vice-Principal, AVIT, Faculty coordinators of ISR cell received appreciation certificates from Bhumi which is one of India's largest independent youth volunteer non-profit organizations for successfully completing a project titled - Hunger
Dr.Aravind Raj, Associate Professor, AVIT, Faculty coordinators of ISR cell received appreciation certificates from Bhumi which is one of India's largest independent youth volunteer non-profit organizations for successfully completing a project titled - Hunger
Mr.Surendrababu, Associate Professor, AVIT, Faculty coordinators of ISR cell received appreciation certificates from Bhumi which is one of India's largest independent youth volunteer non-profit organizations for successfully completing a project titled - Hunger
The Energy Swaraj Foundation in association with AICTE organizes the Action for Restoring Environment (ARE) Conference and awards on 24th and 25th, November 2022 at AICTE campus.
Mr.Rohith of 1st year AI & DS won the gold and silver in national level silambam championship organized by school games and activitiy development foundation recognised by ministry of youth affairs and sports, Government of India and International Olympic Committee, New Delhi
Department of Mechanical Engineering students have been participated in the Vyugam symposium organised by karpaga vinayagar Engineering College on 19/11/2022 and won prizes in the following technical events. 1. Technical Quiz - Mr. S.Ponnarasu III year mechanical- I Prize 2. Mr.Mechanic – Mr. P Govarthan- III year Mechanical-I Prize and Mr. Mangampatla Pavan - IV year - II prize 3. Connextions Lohidarshan and team- I Prize. Santhosh A and Team- II prize
Finalist in the 8th FICCI Higher Education Excellence Awards 2022, New Delhi in the following two categories
Mr. Harshath Parves,Ms. Hemavathy S and has presented poster entitled Synthesis of Nanoparticles from Biodegradable waste and itsapplications and has won IIprize in the International conference PHARMAINNOVATIONS 2022 organized by the faculty of pharmacy,Bharath institute of Higher Education and Research,Selaiyur
Mr. Aayush Raj, Mr.Ashish kumar and Mr.Nitish kumar pandit has presented poster entitled Gaumutra-An alternate approach for respiratory disease in the international conference PHARMAINNOVATIONS 2022 organized by the faculty of pharmacy,Bharath institute of Higher Education and Research,Selaiyur
2 of our student teams have reached finals in the software development contest for Zoo Ticket Booking and Parking organized by the Arignar Anna Zoological Park, Tamilnadu Forest Department on 19th October 2022. Parking team 1.Anish kumar 3501910509 2.Shipra Kumari 3501910565 3.Amarjeet kumar 3501910507 Ticketing Team 1.Saurabh Pandey 3501910561 2.shamim Alam 3501910564 3.Manish Singh 3501910537
Award received from Ardorcomm New Normal Education Leadership Summit 2022 for the following two different categories at Ahmedabad on 15.10.2022. i. Most Emerging Engineering Institute 2022 ii. CSR Excellence in Higher Education 2022
Dr.G.Selvakumar, Principal, AVIT was awarded with "The Outstanding Leader of Higher Education" Award at the Elets Higher Education Summit 2022 on 7th October 2022 at Chennai.
Ms.Lakshmi Shree, AP / BME of AVIT has won the 1st prize and a cash award of Rs.3000 in the Photo Contest 2022, Swayam MOOC on Photojournalism organized by Pondicherry University
AVIT was conferred with The Outstanding Institute for Research and Innovation Award at the Elets Higher Education Summit 2022 on 7.10.2022.
AVIT is one of the torchbearers in the following two categories and received Special recognition from IDA Education Awards 2022 on 21.09.2022 i. Industry Academia Collaborations for Creating Employability and Entrepreneurship ii. Faculty and Students wellbeing.
AVIT is recognised as the First Centre for the project “Valimai Thamizhachi” Launched by Dr. Thamizhachi Thangapandian, MP
Received special recognition from IDA Education Awards 2022 as one of the torchbearers in the categories of Industry Academia Collaborations for Creating Employability and Entrepreneurship & Faculty and Students wellbeing.
Times All India Engineering Institutes Ranking Survey 2022
ATAL Academy Sponsored Two Weeks (Hybrid) Faculty Development Program on “Wearable Technology in Healthcare” September 05 -10,2022(Online) & September 12 -16, 2022(Offline) -Rs.3.0 Lakhs -Coordinator - Dr.D.Vijendra Babu
ATAL Academy Sponsored Two Weeks (Hybrid) Faculty Development Program on “Digital Twin for Electrical Vehicles” September 12 -16,2022(Online) & September 19-23, 2022(Offline) -Rs.3.0 Lakhs -Coordinator - Dr.L.Chitra
CUET 2024